Amazon Multi-Author Best Selling Program Terms of Purchase
Please read these terms carefully as they are a binding legal contract, and we suggest downloading or printing a copy for your records.
This page includes terms of purchase for:
- Multi-Author Best Selling Program
- Author Mentorship Program
- Ghostwriting Program
Multi-Author Best Selling Program
You are purchasing 1 chapter in the multi-author book, which includes editing, proofreading, formatting, full professional design, bestseller rank on Amazon, admission to a private Facebook group, and rights to distribute your chapter as you choose.
You are purchasing this in your business capacity and guaranteeing the purchase as an individual.
This Terms of Purchase is the entire agreement between us. This Terms of Purchase supersedes our prior discussions, emails, online or voice messages.
What happens after you pay:
Our secure payment processor is Stripe. You’ll receive a receipt for your records shortly after purchase. Please allow 24-48 hours (Business days: Monday through Thursday. Payments received by 4:00PM EDT on Thursdays will be followed up on the following Monday.) for communication from Lisa Anderson, Lisa Anderson Media, and the staff of Lisa Anderson Media with what we require for your chapter and bio.
We reserve the right to delay communication if technical difficulties arise.
This service has a no-refunds policy. By completing this purchase, I acknowledge and agree not to initiate a chargeback. If I initiate a chargeback I will be charged an additional fee of $300 USD. I agree that failure to complete my chapter in time does not warrant a refund.
Payment Schedule:
All book payments are made in full at the start of the project.
I agree that I will provide necessary information for my chapter and bio to Lisa Anderson Media and Lisa Anderson with the execution of this agreement for the multi-author book to be released, crediting me as a co-author.
I agree to send my completed chapter and bio to Lisa Anderson and Lisa Anderson Media by the date specified in the private Facebook group or in an email. I understand that failure to send my chapter and bio by the date specified in the private Facebook group or email will result in my chapter no longer being included in the multi-author book and no refund will be given.
I am granting to Lisa Anderson and Lisa Anderson Media along with their partners and co-authors the non-exclusive rights to print, publish, distribute and sell my chapter as a part of the book throughout the world in all languages.
I am granting Lisa Anderson and Lisa Anderson Media, their partners, and co-authors the right to use my name, likeness, biographical information, and full and/or excerpt of my chapter with full attribution to me in the promotion of the book in both digital and printed format.
I understand that the kindle and print version of the book sold through Amazon containing my chapter is for Lisa Anderson and Lisa Anderson Media only and that all profit will go to a charity of Lisa Anderson and Lisa Anderson Media’s choice. I understand I will receive no royalties from the sales of the Kindle or print version of the book sold on Amazon.
I understand I cannot make changes to the cover, the manuscript, book description, or the price. I understand I can only publish and sell on the platform that Lisa Anderson and Lisa Anderson Media have given me permission to publish on.
I understand that Lisa Anderson and Lisa Anderson Media are not making any guarantees as to how many books will be sold, but only that the book will rank on at least one Amazon Bestseller list within 30 days of release.
I understand that I am joining this program with the intention of selling services and products and not for making money from book sales.
I understand that there is no guarantee for how long the book will rank as a bestseller, but I will receive screenshots and graphics for my marketing purposes.
I understand I will be asked to participate in the promotion of the book when it is released on Amazon.
I understand that Lisa Anderson and Lisa Anderson Media will secure US copyright for the book, including my chapter, however, I shall retain the right to republish my work in any manner and Lisa Anderson and Lisa Anderson Media agree this shall not be deemed an infringement on the copyright.
I understand that Lisa Anderson and Lisa Anderson Media are publishing my chapter with the understanding that it is my own original work and that it is my own responsibility to ensure my work is original and not infringing on others’ copyrights. I understand that Lisa Anderson and Lisa Anderson Media will not be held responsible for any copyright violations resulting from my chapter being published.
I understand that no paperback copies are included in the program but can be purchased from Amazon at the wholesale price.
I have read the terms of purchase & by making a payment I agree to the terms of purchase.
Author Mentorship Terms of Purchase
You are purchasing the Author Mentorship program which includes, 1 initial call (via phone or video chat, max 1 hour), 1 follow-up call (via phone or video chat, max 30 minutes), 2 draft reviews.
By making this purchase, you agree to show up for the scheduled calls and complete all assignments given by their assigned deadlines barring cause for delays out of your control, such as inclement weather.
You are purchasing this in your business capacity and guaranteeing the purchase as an individual.
This Terms of Purchase is the entire agreement between us. This Terms of Purchase supersedes our prior discussions, emails, online or voice messages.
What happens after you pay:
Our secure payment processor is Stripe. You’ll receive a receipt for your records shortly after purchase. Please allow 24-48 hours (Business days: Monday through Thursday. Payments received by 4:00PM EDT on Thursdays will be followed up on the following Monday.) for communication from Lisa Anderson, Lisa Anderson Media, and the staff of Lisa Anderson Media for the following steps.
We reserve the right to delay communication if technical difficulties arise.
This service has a no-refunds policy. By completing this purchase, I acknowledge and agree not to initiate a chargeback. If I initiate a chargeback I will be charged an additional fee of $300 USD. I agree that failure to complete my chapter in time does not warrant a refund.
Payment Schedule:
All program payments are made in full at the start of the project.
I have read the terms of purchase & by making a payment I agree to the terms of purchase.
Ghostwriting Program Terms of Purchase
You are purchasing the Ghostwriting Program which includes, 1 initial call (via phone or video chat, max 1 hour), 1 check-in call (via phone or video chat, max 30 minutes, after ghostwriter has completed 1,000 words), and 1 final check-in (call via phone or video chat not to exceed 30 minutes, by email or other written form of online communication).
By making this purchase, you agree to show up for the scheduled calls and complete all assignments given by their assigned deadlines barring cause for delays out of your control, such as inclement weather.
I understand that Lisa Anderson and Lisa Anderson Media will secure US copyright for the book, including my chapter, however, I shall retain the right to republish my work in any manner and Lisa Anderson and Lisa Anderson Media agree this shall not be deemed an infringement on the copyright.
You are purchasing this in your business capacity and guaranteeing the purchase as an individual.
This Terms of Purchase is the entire agreement between us. This Terms of Purchase supersedes our prior discussions, emails, online or voice messages.
What happens after you pay:
Our secure payment processor is Stripe. You’ll receive a receipt for your records shortly after purchase. Please allow 24-48 hours (Business days: Monday through Thursday. Payments received by 4:00PM EDT on Thursdays will be followed up on the following Monday.) for communication from Lisa Anderson, Lisa Anderson Media, and the staff of Lisa Anderson Media for the following steps.
We reserve the right to delay communication if technical difficulties arise.
This service has a no-refunds policy. By completing this purchase, I acknowledge and agree not to initiate a chargeback. If I initiate a chargeback I will be charged an additional fee of $300 USD. I agree that failure to complete my chapter in time does not warrant a refund.
Payment Schedule:
All program payments are made in full at the start of the project.
I have read the terms of purchase & by making a payment I agree to the terms of purchase.